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Dokmeh Agency
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Dokmeh agency logo
Sahar Davoodi Sahar Davoodi Sahar Davoodi
Sahar Davoodi

Client : Sahar Davoodi

Technology : HTML, CSS, JS, PHP by Wordpress CMS

Services : Ui/Ux, Front-End, Back-End

Date : 2024


Where Fashion Takes Flight

Sahar wasn’t your average fashion brand. It embodied the captivating spirit of the crow – intelligent, bold, and possessing a touch of mystique. Yet, their website, a cluttered cacophony, failed to reflect this unique identity.


Beyond the Flock

Crows are known for their resourcefulness, crafting intricate tools and solving complex problems. Sahar, too, possessed this ingenuity, offering a curated collection of clothing that transcended fleeting trends. Our challenge was to create a website that mirrored this intelligence – a platform that was both creatively daring and exceptionally user-friendly.

Unique Layout & UX

A Minimalist Masterpiece

We shed the excess and embraced the power of “less is more.” Gone were the overwhelming layouts and busy visuals that plague traditional fashion websites. Instead, we crafted a website as sleek and sophisticated as a crow’s wing. A unique, minimalist layout provided a clean canvas for Sahar’s stunning collections. Intuitive user experience (UX) allowed visitors to navigate seamlessly, discovering hidden gems with each click.


A Crow’s Eye View

The crow concept wasn’t just an aesthetic choice; it permeated the entire website. Imagine browsing collections through a crow’s intelligent gaze, where only the finest pieces are showcased. Interactive features, inspired by a crow’s resourcefulness, allowed users to curate personalized looks and discover hidden style secrets.


A Fashion Sanctuary

Sahar’s new website is a testament to the power of intelligent design. It’s a minimalist masterpiece that soars above the noise of the fashion industry. This website isn’t just a place to shop; it’s a sanctuary for those who appreciate bold style and exceptional quality. Here, you’ll find the perfect pieces to help you, like the crow, take flight and express your unique individuality.